Voke Tab review: a natural energy boost for on the go

Christine Colbert

Voke Tab shoot up Hyalite canyon with Conrad


Our quick take on Voke Tab:

  • Natural ingredients that won’t compromise your health
  • “Clean Energy” without sugar and excessive vitamins
  • Lasts about 4 to 5 hours, comparable to other products on the market
  • A tin of 7 tablets fits easily in a pocket or pouch, making them accessible and shareable
  • They boost your metabolism, enabling your body to process calories faster, hence the extra energy
  • I wasn’t wild about the taste. A flavor not unlike cough medicine, I cringed a little as I hurried to chew and swallow.
  • Perhaps due to my own lack of proper sleep, I crashed significantly after 4-5 hours. While my friend did not experience the same result, I felt exhausted when the tab wore off.
  • I also experienced tiny bit of acid reflux as the tab simmered in my stomach. Admittedly, I am sensitive to acidic foods, but I found it was necessary to keep eating in order to stave off this side effect.

The full Voke Tab review:

Voke Tab Review


Every now and again we all need a little extra boost in energy. While there are several synthetic products available on the market to choose from (Redbull, 5 Hour Energy, etc), there are few options out there that are all natural. This is where Voke Tab comes in. Made from Guarana berries, Acerola cherries and caffeinated tea leaves, these energy supplements give you a push without synthetics or sugar. Instead, for sweetener, Voke uses organic erythritol, a zero calorie non-GMO sugar alcohol. Kalen Caughey, creator of Voke Tab, started mixing up energy tabs in a dorm room almost 10 years ago. As a competitive skier who enjoyed the effects of coffee, he was looking to make a spill-proof alternative to bring on the mountain. He teamed up with his dad, a biochemist, to research an ideal combination of natural ingredients. Together they combed through scientific literature and developed the formula for Voke. Voke boasts the same kind of vitalization as a 5 Hour Energy or an 8 oz Red Bull, so I set out to test it.

  After a long work week, my Saturday finally rolled around, and I was feeling sluggish from a late night and the tail end of sinus cold. I was headed out with friends for a day on the mountain, so what better opportunity to give Voke tabs a test drive? Curious, I also gave a tab to a friend who was headed to work at the same time, at a somewhat physically demanding job (massage therapist). I popped a tab on my way to Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, intent on testing my new powers by ripping a few 4000-foot laps. It didn’t take long to notice the effects. I was all Voke’d out by the time I arrived, and felt bouncy in the tram line with energy.

Backcountry skiing tips - Garage Gronw Gear 9

The sluggish fatigue I had felt earlier in the day disappeared, as I enjoyed what Voke boasts as clean energy. One tab did the trick without making me feel cracked out like I would after a Red Bull. I sliced and diced my way down the hill as if I had actually gotten a full night’s sleep, and was still amped even after two hours of skiing hard. I also noticed that I was hungrier throughout the day. These little tabs had boosted my metabolism along with my energy, as I was processing calories at a faster rate. I consulted my working friend on her results, which were much the same. She felt energized, able to perform well at her job, and had vitality to spare. Even better, her teeth weren’t chattering — a common side effect of sugary sports drinks. The final word: I would recommend these energy inducing tablets in a heartbeat, as a natural, healthy alternative to the mysterious ingredients found in other products. They’re also very affordable and an entire tin of these miracle tablets fits easily in your pocket. Click here to shop Voke Tab.

Gear reviewsVoke tab


Chris Jensen

Chris Jensen

I took a tin of Voke Tabs on a 3 day yurt trip in the Tetons. We had a few long days in the hills. I typically carry a redbull as an emergency blast of energy when the day gets long and there are still miles to go before I get back to the yurt. For this trip I packed the Voke tabs instead. They are lighter, easier to carry, easier to share, and you get 7 of them. I only used one around 3 o clock on our biggest day.

They work great and I had no ill effects and actually think they taste pretty good. I would recommend these to anyone who appreciated a natural caffeine kick.

Ginny Robbins

Ginny Robbins

I just tried voke tabs for the first time. I haven’t been consuming any caffeine for about 4 months because it really flares up my reynauds symptoms. But…I had no bad effects from voke! I only used a half a tab at a time since I haven’t had caffeine in so long. I used them a couple afternoons when I was really dragging and struggling to motivate. Half a tab and about 15 minutes and I was ready for action! Focused, alert, enthusiastic. No crash after, no jitters, and no numb hands (reynauds). I’m very impressed and will continue to use voke! I can’t wait to try it on a long run or ski tour.

Ginny Robbins

Ginny Robbins

I should add; no complaints with the taste. Maybe a little weird, but way better than other caffeine alternatives. And if they tasted better I’d want to eat them like candy.

Amy Hatch

Amy Hatch

Chris, thanks for sharing your feedback. 3 day yurt trip … sounds heavenly!

Amy Hatch

Amy Hatch

Ginny, so jazzed to hear Voke works so well for you. Thanks for the note.

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