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***Please note that discounts are not available on all products. If a discount is not available on a particular product or brand, it will say so at the bottom of the product description. Discounts on these brands are not viable due to either low profit margins or a specific request from the brand themselves.

Brands excluded from discount codes include: Adotec, allmansright, Alpine Gremlins, ANDA Ultralight, Atom Packs, BearVault, Beyond the Trailhead Gear Co., Bonfus (packs & shelters), Dandee Packs, Etowah Outfitters, El Coyote Quilts, FarPointe, Goosefeet Gear, Gossamer Gear, Gryphon Gear, Hammock Gear, Hartford Gear Co., Katabatic, LEVE Outdoor Co., LiteAF, Mudcat Designs, Nashville Packs, Pond's Edge, Qiwiz, Red Paw Packs, Rex Creations, Ruta Locura, Saunter Packs, Senchi Designs, Suluk46 (Ice Axe), Superior Wilderness Designs, Tarptent, Ursack, Volpi, Western Mountaineering, YAR.Gear, Zpacks, and more. This list is subject to change. 


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