The Cache:, Gossamer Gear G4-20, HLAW Book, and The World's Tallest Indoor Climbing Wall

Lloyd Vogel

It's a new edition of The Cache, your bi-weekly roundup for all things ultralight. New gear, new brands, interesting events, curious conversations, sales, giveaways, and just about anything and everything that we find remotely relevant. This week we look at the controversy around, a new pack from Gossamer Gear, The Hike Like a Woman Book, and the World's Tallest Indoor Climbing Wall


Big Box - Big Blunder:

Been seeing the word "Backcountry" a bunch this past week? Well... its been quite the saga for online outdoor retail giant While we won't go into all the details, to summarize, within the last couple of years, acquired the trademark on the term "Backcountry" and recently has been aggressively going after small brands who use the term. While perhaps not uncommon in business, it hasn't been sitting well with customers, media, or any of the small companies and their lawyers have been attacking. 

After a TON of public outcry (and the creation of this overnight sensation of a facebook group), finally offered a very incomplete apology and is attempting to make amends

If anything, this is a reminder to spend your hard-earned dollars intentionally. 

The Colorado Sun Recaps!



New: Gossamer Gear G4-20

Gossamer Gear is always coming out with new and innovative products, and this past week they launched the G4-20! 

"A modern nod to a vintage classic. A tip of the hat to an OG pack. We took what made the original "G4" so popular and roped in a gang of new fabrics and materials to create a minimal do-it-all frameless pack."

Check out the Gossamer Gear G4-20



Hike Like a Woman: Book!

"Hike Like a Woman: A Collection of Stories From Women on and off the Trail compiles the stories of 25+ amazing women from all different backgrounds. Business owners, activists, creatives, and more these women all have a unique story to tell."

One of those 25 amazing women is GGG's own Amy Hatch! Wahoooooo!

Check out Hike Like a Woman



 World's Tallest Indoor Climbing Wall

Yup. It's HUGE.

"Housing the world’s biggest indoor skydiving flight chamber with a record-breaking width of 32 feet and height of 82 feet, and the world’s tallest indoor climbing wall, measuring a mountainous 141 feet in height...Gear up to conquer two record-breaking experiences all under one roof."

Accessible? Well, it's in Abu Dhabi...

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