The Backpacking Gear Checklist

We've put together a backpacking checklist to look over when planning a trip! For newbies it's a framework to build your kit from, and for everyone else, it's a good reminder of what not to forget at home :) While we feel that this list is comprehensive, always make sure you are checking the specific conditions, hazards, and requirements for the location you are heading to.

Printable Version HERE!
Need some inspiration? Below are a couple of sample kits for you to check out! Note: No clothes or consumable included. There is no "best" baseweight. Your gear needs to work for you and your goals!



Big 4 (Pack, Shelter, Sleeping Bag / Quilt, Sleeping Pad):
Cooking System:
Water Treatment:
Camp Clothing:
Hiking Clothing:


Want to really play around with your packing list? Check out resources such as LighterPack and PackWizard.

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