5 Online Resources For Going Ultralight

Lloyd Vogel

The immense expanse of the internet is home to a cluttered mess of information on ultralight backpacking. While there is a TON of great information online to be consumed, starting in the right places will save you an enormous amount of headache. While GGG is always the best spot to purchase your UL gear (duh!), here are a couple of great spots to deepen your understanding of the art that is ultralight!




The Ultralight subreddit is a wonderful space to learn, ask questions, and generally revel in the quirkiness of the ultralight community. From gear reviews and suggestions to tricks, tips, and random ponderings, there is a lifetime worth of information to muddle through. The best part of r/Ultralight? All of the opinions, comments, and shenanigans from it's incredibly active and honest community.  Staying plugged into r/Ultralight will 100% result in the lightening of your pack, the purchasing (or creating) of lots more gear, the discovery of new brands at their infancy, and an abundance of humorous interactions along the way! Don't feel like posting to a forum? There is a ton of value to be had simply by lurking and following along.

Check out r/Ultralight



Backpacking Light

An OG of the online backpacking world, Backpacking Light is stocked full of reviews, lists, videos, articles, webinars, trip planning resources, classes, and a very active and informative forum. While much of the content is available only to paid subscribers, basic BPL memberships start at just $7 a year. In terms of the totality and depth of its platform, BPL is probably the most comprehensive UL resource available. If Reddit isn't your thing, BPL is also a great (slightly less intimidating) alternative.


Check out Backpacking Light!



Section Hiker

Philip Warner of Section Hiker has created an absurd number of reviews and articles over the years.  If you have a question about anything related to backpacking, chances are he's written an article on that very specific topic. From articles on storm safety and river crossings to gear repair hacks and FAQs about DCF, Section Hiker is a rabbit hole of quality content.  While Philip is strongly opinionated and rooted in a bit of an old school mentality, his articles are very accessibly written and great for all levels of backpackers. The comment sections of Section Hiker are also essentially lengthy forums of discussion, and often the spots where the most value is found. 

Check out Section Hiker!




Youtube is almost too good of a platform from which to dive into a more in-depth understanding of UL backpacking. With thousands of opinions about every topic imaginable, you can make yourself feel like an expert without ever leaving your couch. Find a couple of YouTubers you like/trust, click subscribe, and get a continuous dose of tips and tricks to try for your next trip. When delving into the wild world of youtube, it's important to remember that just because someone made a video, doesn't necessarily mean that their opinions are correct (or ideal for the style of backpacking you enjoy). 

Some worth checking out? Backcountry Banter, Dawin onthetrail (loved by some - hated by others), Mittencamper, JupiterHikes, pieonthetrail and about a BILLION others. 

Check out Youtube!



The Trek

While The Trek focuses primarily on Thru-hikers, many of its seemingly endless articles relate directly to the generalized field of ultralight backpacking. With dozens of contributors and a wide range of opinions and topics, The Trek's content is fueled by thru-hikers who know a thing or two about how to best simplify and minimalize one's pack. Plus, it's crazy inspirational to live vicariously through thru-hikers, and that buzz makes the at home gear piddling that much more exciting! 

Check out The Trek


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