7 cool mountain bike accessories from undiscovered brands

Liz Onufer

We’re a wily bunch. You can find us hammering single track, grinding gravel, and sometimes riding a back alley on the way home from the brewery. No matter our style, distance, or pace, these cool mountain bike accessories from undiscovered brands are made for our adventures (or misadventures).


Timber Mountain Bike Bell

We know the utility of a bike bell, but we hate that incessant clanging for hours on end. Welcome Timber Mountain Bike Bell, the first bell specifically designed for mountain biking. The bell has a retractable clanger with an on-off switch. Ringing when we need it, silence when we don’t. Brilliant. Plus, the cowbell design creates a rather pleasant sound.  


KleverSport Cycle Buffr

We spend thousands of dollars on bikes, only to watch them get beat up on the way to the trailhead. KleverSport Cycle Buffr offers an easy, inexpensive, upcycled solution. Made from used tire tubes, the buffr wraps around your bike on the places where it gets rubbed and knocked during transport. Designed to fit all styles of bikes and racks, the KleverSport Cycle Buffr saves the bike beating for the trail.


Dirtbags Accessory Bags

Question: Husband-wife bike packing trip, disaster or dream? Answer: dream, if you have the right equipment. Heath and Emily started Dirtbags after a bikepacking trip in the Black Hills of South Dakota. On that trip they realized the importance of slowing down, taking a breath and getting back to the simplicity of intentional living. The couple decided to start selling the handmade gear they had made for that trip to help others slow down and take life in. Dirtbags creates high-quality bike bags to carry gear for any length ride, from a week-long trip in the desert to a quick ride after work.

Elevenpine bike shorts

Sick of the choice between spandex or baggies? So were the folks at Elevenpine. So they came up with a unique design for bike shorts. A side zipper transforms technical form-fitting shorts for riding into loose, comfy shorts for grabbing a beer or running errands. Now you can hang with your friends after spinning pedals, without worrying about how those cheeks look in spandex. 

Growler Cage

Headed to the brewery? Going to your favorite sunset bluff? Riding to a neighbor’s BBQ? The Growler Cage is the perfect way to head out and bring your growler along for the ride.  Attaching just like a water bottle cage, the stainless steel mounting bracket is wrapped in a neoprene sheath to protect your growler during your off-road, beer drinking (mis)adventures.

Catch up, Must (Go) Hard and Relish your ride water bottles

These 22 ounce bottles from Spurcycle remind us to Relish our ride, Catch Up, or Must (go) hard. Sure, they hint at the burger and fries we are headed for after our ride, but who doesn’t want a little extra motivation? The Purist water bottles, with a MoFlo cap, resist stains and taste better … just like that burger.

Enduro Bites Beta Red Formula

Beets. Yes, beets – the new supercharged fuel for cyclists and endurance athletes. The Enduro Bites Beta Red Formula, a mix of beet juice powder and amino acids, is formulated to improve aerobic efficiency, endurance, and muscle strength – guaranteed. Really, they offer a 100% money back guarantee. Why not give this new endurance athlete secret weapon a try?

DirtbagsElevenpineEnduro bitesGrowler cageKleversportSpurcycleTimberTrends & top 10




Really a nice piece of information! These accessories are really cool and essential for riding mountain bike. It was a great read :)
For more such accessories – https://mx24.co.za/product-category/mx-accessories/

Brandon Tyler

Brandon Tyler

This blog is extremely useful and I am definitely going to save them for future reference. They have been a great source of learning.

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