Gear from: Adotec Gear, Alpine Fit, ANDA, Arms of Andes, BearVault, Bonfus, Brautigam Expedition Works, Cnoc Outdoors, CTUG, Durston, El Coyote Quilts, Enlightened Equipment, FarPointe Outdoor Gear, FlipFuel, Gossamer Gear, GooseFeet Gear, Gnara, Hartford Gear Co., High Tail Designs, Hilltop Packs & Apex Giant, Hyperlite Mountain Gear, Igneous, Jereko Gear, Jolly Gear, Katabatic Gear, Kula Cloth, Lawson Equipment, LEVE Outdoor Co., Magnet Designs, Mayfly Ultralight Equipment, Mudcat Designs, Parapack, Peak First Aid, Pika Outdoors, Pillow Strap, Purple Rain Adventure Skirts, Rawlogy, Red Paw Packs, Ridge Merino, Sambob, Shamma Sandals, Six Moon Designs, SkyGOAT, SlingFin, Spuds Adventure Gear, Suluk 46, Symbiosis Gear, The pStyle, Thrupack, ToughCutie, TownShirt Co., Trail Stuff, Trekker Joe's, ULK - Rainy Day Forge, UltraLiteSacks, VARGO, Vaucluse Backpack Ventilation Gear, Volpi Outdoor Gear, Western Mountaineering, Zenbivy and Zpacks
With so much devastation in the wake of Hurricane Helene, we are contributing 10% of our profits during this giveaway to support affected communities. Our contributions will be funneled to the Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association. We encourage you to contribute if able! Donate HERE, or at checkout on GGG!
Looking for other places to contribute? This list is provided by co-sponsor Treeline Reviews:
- Damascus Strong
- East Tennessee Action Fund: Neighbor to Neighbor Disaster Relief Fund
- North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund
- Virginia Emergency Relief Fund
- Hot Springs Recovery - donations directly support the town of Hot Springs, NC. Monetary donations are processed through the Friends of the Hot Springs Library
- @RiseErwin - information on Erwin, TN recovery efforts with link to their GoFundMe Help Erwin Heal
Prize Packages:
First Place:
Framus 58 in Ultra200X by Bonfus
Fastus 23L UltraGrid by Bonfus
FastPack 30 by Volpi
Pack of your choice by Zpacks
Minimalist V2 Backpack Robic Nylon by Six Moon Designs
AstraLite Quilt by Western Mountaineering
Lunar Solo by Six Moon Designs
Brisa Bivy by ANDA Ultralight
Alpaca Wool Leggings 420 Midweight by Arms of Andes
BOT of Winner's Choice by VARGO
Bushwhacking Leggings by Alpine Fit
CAMP Hooded Jacket by SkyGOAT
Camp Shoe Kit by Mayfly Ultralight Equipment
Complete Titanium Cooking and Eating Ware Package for Two People by Brautigam Expedition Works
Custom FarPointe Garment by FarPointe Outdoor Gear
A Driver of their choice, Pot Protector, Zipper Pulls, sticker, Fuel Stand by Jereko Gear
Custom Pants ($200 Gift Certificate) by GooseFeet Gear
CTUG Fanny Pack by CTUG
Down Jacket of Your Choice by Katabatic Gear
Eco Summit Bum by Thrupack
Elite Ibex by Shamma Sandals
Fanny Pack and Bottle Sleeve by Trekker Joe's
Flex™ Air Mattress by Zenbivy
Large Bear Bag by Hilltop Packs / Large Trowel by Apex Giant
L-CAP in color of their choice by Parapack
One Pillow Strap, any color or size by Pillow Strap
Peak First Aid Kit by Peak First Aid
Rapunzel Gaiter or Pyka Fleece Gaiter + Kula Pocket + Kula Cloth by Kula Cloth
Rain Mitts by High Tail Designs
Rawlogy Combo Set, Rawlogy Ultra-minis, Rawlogy Micros, EMS Foot Massager by Rawlogy
Scrappy Pack by Hartford Gear Co.
Summit Suds - 3oz Pouch and 1oz Bottle by Pika Outdoors
Triple Crown Button Down Long Sleeve by Jolly Gear
Trailbrush by Trail Stuff
Ultralight Dog Quilt by Red Paw Packs
Ultralight Food Locker - Grizzly Bear by Adotec Gear
ULK with a custom colored sheath instead of the standard red by ULK - Rainy Day Forge
Variety Pack of Ditty Bags by UltraLiteSacks
Ventilation Frame by Vaucluse Backpack Ventilation Gear
Fuel Transfer Device, FlipFuel® Backpack Sticker, FlipFuel® Fuel Canister Sticker, FlipFuel® Arizona Cactus Bandana, FlipFuel® Birch Wood Ornament, Digital Scale by FlipFuel
1 in stock sun hoodie by TownShirt Co.
1 Pair of Go There Pants with Patented GoFly Zipper Technology by Gnara
1 Set of Stick Stashers and Spud Hat by Spuds Adventure Gear
2 Liter 28mm VectoX and 28mm Vesica by Cnoc Outdoors
2 Pairs of Socks by ToughCutie
6" Atani Tent Stake Set, Tark Hybrid Trowel, XL Carbon Fiber Miksa Pot Lifter by Suluk 46
Second Place:
Framus 58 in Ultra200X by Bonfus
Fastus 23L UltraGrid by Bonfus
FastPack 30 by Volpi
Pack of your choice by Zpacks
Minimalist V2 Backpack Robic Nylon by Six Moon Designs
AstraLite Quilt by Western Mountaineering
Lunar Solo by Six Moon Designs
Brisa Bivy by ANDA Ultralight
Alpaca Wool Hoodie Half Zip 300 Lightweight by Arms of Andes
Alpha 90 Hoody by LEVE Outdoor Co.
A Driver of their choice, Pot Protector, Fuel Stand, Sticker by Jereko Gear
Bend Alpha 90 hoodie by Magnet Designs
Alpha Cruiser by Farpointe Outdoor Gear
Aspect Base Layer Top, Minaret Socks, Layton Beanie by Ridge Merino
BOT of Winner's Choice by VARGO
BV475-Trek by BearVault
Camp Shoe Kit by Mayfly Ultralight Equipment
CAMP Half Zip Hooded Pullover by SkyGOAT
CTUG Fanny Pack by CTUG
Custom Pillow Line Hoodie by Sambob
Down Jacket of Your Choice by Katabatic Gear
Eco Summit Bum by Thrupack
Entire Cooking and Eating Ware Package for One by Brautigam Expedition Works
Fanny Pack v1.5 (2 Liter) by High Tail Designs
Flash Vest by Western Mountaineering
Kula Pocket + Kula Cloth by Kula Cloth
Large Bear Bag ECOPAK Brown by Hilltop Packs / Small Trowel by Apex Giant
One Pillow Strap, Any Color or Size by Pillow Strap
P-CAP LITE in Color of Their Choice by Parapack
Packing Pod Set (S, M, L) by Hartford Gear Co.
Peak Tape qty: 2 by Peak First Aid
Rawlogy Combo Set, Rawlogy Ultra-minis, Rawlogy Micros, EMS Foot Massager by Rawlogy
Rendezvous Ridge Long Sleeve by Alpine Fit
Set of Zippy Storage Pods: 1, 2, & 3L sizing by Spuds Adventure Gear
Shoulder Pouch and Bottle Sleeve by Trekker Joe's
Summit Suds - 3oz Pouch and 1oz Bottle by Pika Outdoors
Tark Hybrid Trowel by Suluk 46
Trailbrush by Trail Stuff
Triple Crown Button Down Long Sleeve by Jolly Gear
Ultralight Food Locker 1 by Adotec Gear
Ultralight Mattress by Zenbivy
ULK with Standard Red Sheath by ULK - Rainy Day Forge
Vertice Rain Jacket by Zpacks
Ventilation Frame by Vaucluse Backpack Ventilation Gear
Fuel Transfer Device, FlipFuel® Backpack Sticker, FlipFuel® Fuel Canister Sticker, FlipFuel® Arizona Cactus Bandana by FlipFuel
1 in Stock Sun Hoodie by TownShirt Co.
1 Pair of Go There Shorts with Patented GoFly Zipper Technology by Gnara
1 Pair of Socks by ToughCutie
1 Running Hat by Volpi Outdoor Gear
Third Place:
Framus 58 in Ultra200X by Bonfus
Fastus 23L UltraGrid by Bonfus
FastPack 30 by Volpi
Pack of your choice by Zpacks
Minimalist V2 Backpack Robic Nylon by Six Moon Designs
AstraLite Quilt by Western Mountaineering
Lunar Solo by Six Moon Designs
Brisa Bivy by ANDA Ultralight
Alpha 90 Hoody by LEVE Outdoor Co.
A Driver of Their Choice, Pot Protector, Sticker by Jereko Gear
BV450-Jaunt by BearVault
Bottle Sleeve by Trekker Joe's
Camp Pants by Farpointe Outdoor Gear
CAMP Beanie by SkyGOAT
Caveman TV by Spuds Adventure Gear
Dyneema Pouch Set (S, M, L) by Hartford Gear Co.
Eco Summit Bum by Thrupack
El Premio Wallet by ANDA Ultralight
Flash Booties by Western Mountaineering
1 pair of socks by ToughCutie
Kula Cloth by Kula Cloth
LT5 Three Piece Carbon Trekking Poles by Gossamer Gear
Microgrid Beanie by Magnet Designs
One Ditty and One Pouch by UltraLiteSacks
One Pillow Strap, Any Color or Size by Pillow Strap
P-CAP in Color of Their Choice by Parapack
Rawlogy Combo Set, Rawlogy Ultra-minis, Rawlogy Micros by Rawlogy
Silver Shadow Carbon by Six Moon Designs
SoftTop™ Pillow by Zenbivy
Summit Suds - 3oz Pouch and 1oz Bottle by Pika Outdoors
Torrid Jacket by Enlightened Equipment
Trailbrush by Trail Stuff
Triple Crown Button Down Short Sleeve by Jolly Gear
Ultralight Fanny Pack (1 Liter) by High Tail Designs
Ventilation Frame by Vaucluse Backpack Ventilation Gear
Water Bottle Sleeve (Their Choice of Size) by Trekker Joe's
Fuel Transfer Device, FlipFuel® Backpack Sticker, FlipFuel® Fuel Canister Sticker, FlipFuel® Birch Wood Ornament by FlipFuel
1 in Stock Short Sleeve by TownShirt Co.
1 Gnara x Outpatch Beanie by Gnara
1 Pair of Socks by ToughCutie
1 pStyle and 1 pCase by The pStyle
2 Liter 28mm VectoX and 28mm 500ml Hydriam by Cnoc Outdoors
6" Atani Tent Stake Set by Suluk 46
$75 Gift Certificate by GooseFeet Gear
100' Hank of Reflective Glowire (2mm or 2.5mm or 3mm and Color of Their Choice) by Lawson Equipment
15L Food Bag Kit by Rawlogy
1 Set of Stick Stashers by Spuds Adventure Gear
Fourth Place:
Framus 58 in Ultra200X by Bonfus
Fastus 23L UltraGrid by Bonfus
FastPack 30 by Volpi
Pack of your choice by Zpacks
Minimalist V2 Backpack Robic Nylon by Six Moon Designs
AstraLite Quilt by Western Mountaineering
Lunar Solo by Six Moon Designs
Brisa Bivy by ANDA Ultralight
Alpha Beanie by LEVE Outdoor Co.
BV425-Sprint by BearVault
Bottle Sleeve by Trekker Joe's
Camp Shoe Kit by Mayfly Ultralight Equipment
Camp Socks by Ridge Merino
CAMP Mittens by SkyGOAT
Drawstring Stuff Sack by High Tail Designs
EcoPak Pouch Set (S, M, L) by Hartford Gear Co.
First Aid Zipper Pouch (Medium Red) by Hilltop Packs / Small Dog Bone by Apex Giant
Kula Cloth by Kula Cloth
LT5 Three Piece Carbon Trekking Poles by Gossamer Gear
Merino Wool Lined Headband - $30 by Symbiosis Gear
Minaret Socks, Layton Beanie by Ridge Merino
One Ditty and One Pouch by UltraLiteSacks
One Pillow Strap, Any Color or Size by Pillow Strap
Packing Cube in DCF1.43 or Ultra200X by Bonfus
Rawlogy Combo Set, Rawlogy Ultra-minis, Rawlogy Micros by Rawlogy
Rock Sack with Cord by ULK - Rainy Day Forge
Small Red Miksa Pot Lifter by Suluk 46
Summit Suds - 3oz Pouch and 1oz Bottle by Pika Outdoors
Symbiosis Gear Stickers by Symbiosis Gear
Titanium Bivy Mug by Suluk 46
Torrid Booties by Enlightened Equipment
Trailbrush by Trail Stuff
Triple Crown Button Down Short Sleeve by Jolly Gear
Trekking Poles by Zpacks
UL Zipper Wallet by Adotec Gear
Versa Fanny Pack by Hyperlight Mountain Gear
Water Bottle Sleeve (Their Choice of Size) by Trekker Joe's
Fuel Transfer Device, FlipFuel® Backpack Sticker, FlipFuel® Fuel Canister Sticker, FlipFuel® Birch Wood Ornament by FlipFuel
1 Gnara x Kula Cloth by Gnara / Kula Cloth
1 in Stock Short Sleeve by TownShirt Co.
1 Pair of Socks by ToughCutie
1 pStyle by The pStyle
2 Liter 28mm VectoX and 28mm 500ml Hydriam by Cnoc Outdoors
100' Hank of Reflective Glowire (2mm or 2.5mm or 3mm and Color of Their Choice) by Lawson Equipment
$50 Gift Certificate by GooseFeet Gear
Fifth - Tenth Place:
Framus 58 in Ultra200X by Bonfus
Fastus 23L UltraGrid by Bonfus
FastPack 30 by Volpi
Pack of your choice by Zpacks
Minimalist V2 Backpack Robic Nylon by Six Moon Designs
if I win, I’ll be bringing anything and everything on the PCT next year!
shane weir
Fab prize
cross fingers!
Elizabeth Pierson
Awesome giveaway Thank you for the opportunity I would love to show off new gear and being able to camping with new gear would be game changer I don’t have tiktok but I use Instagram and have shared in story ⛺️🍁🍂🔥🏕🏞
Colleen Cahill
Thanks for the opportunity to win cool prizes. My niece and nephew and their kids love the outdoors and would love any of those prizes.
Samantha Jacobs
I love them! Garage Grown Gear is just awesome for supporting those small cottage gear companies. It’s so cool how they bring unique outdoor gear to the spotlight!
Happy to support such awesome companies and people!
Jeremy Torgersen
Great gear and brands!! Would be great to win, so many outdoor adventures in my near future!
Elizabeth Pierson
I very excited about the giveaway I have been camping for many years but went my kids moved away they took my gear I could really use new gear to start my new adventure
Thank you! I hope I get some exciting prizes. Lots of good and innovative products are reflected in these companies.
byunggu kang
mission all clear 😆
creditors. MacDonald
It would be great to win new gear! Thanks for all you do! I support Cottage Gear Co.
steven wagner
I like it. I like it. I like it.
Randy Morrison
Awesome site with Incredible gear and insights to create a perfect adventure 👌
Unknown Person
Though I would love to win this in many ways… I’d likely have the items auctioned to raise funds for recovery victims. Moreso I might donate an item or two to a local homeless shelter.
Bill Webb
This giveaway has so many GREAT prizes, being any one of the winners would be AWESOME! THANKS for the giveaway and the chance to be one of the winners.
Would be amazing to win this!
Austin lilly
Love the brands. Just the thought of a win is entertaining. Thank you all for the chance.
Excelente concurso, espero ser uno de los afortunados.
Lisa Armstrong
Amazing giveaway with great prizes 😀
Nema Zegers
You guys are so amazing, giving away such amazing things to people who most likely don’t have the money for it is so incredible ❤️
Love what you guys do~
John Kilkelly
Wonderful giveaway thanks for the chance of entering 💚🍀
Wow! You guys are awesome! I’d be like a little kid at Xmas! Good luck everyone! 😃👍
Jackie D
It would be a dream come true to be able to go back and finish the sections of the PCT I didn’t finish from my thru-hike attempt in 2019. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it these past 5 years and new gear would change everything. Thank you for highlighting all of these incredible brands!
What an amazing giveaway! Thanks for giving us a chance to dream. Winning any of the giveaways would up my ultra light game (more than I will be able to afford any time soon), and give me the chance to share my love of the outdoors! Woohoo!
Emily Rose-Elaine
I’d be a nonpaid sponsor for y’all (each company participating) for life!
Hey thanks for the opportunity to enter; fingers are crossed and I’m really interested in this giveaway. I’ve been regularly checking your socials and talking about it via word of mouth. Where I live, is the exact target area for your business(es) ! Northern Michigan wilderness.
Good luck to all and again you’re all kick ass !
Linda Jackson
Hoping to win a prize pack. Thank you for the opportunity!
Lee Rasmussen
What a great giveaway!
Bruce Schmeck
What a great opportunity to add some great gear to enjoy the trails.
still in high school, but I’d love to win some gear to do more adventuring with over the summer break!
I would LOVE to be able to win a prize pack for my next adventure… hopefully a return trip to the Amazon jungle or a camping trip in Africa. I’d be happy to review and send photos to all of the sponsoring companies! ;)
Living in NZ where the sun is BRUTAL – i’m looking at the Sun Sleeves by éclipse Sun Products.
Think they will be perfecto, great solution
Karen Thompson
Hope Tasmanians can win this epic competition 🙏
Woo-hoo #22
Planning a 2026 thru hike of the AT with my hubby and 4 kids. Fingers crossed! This would be a huge blessing!
Vino Guarnieri
Thank you for the opportunity. I either own and/or support these companies except the ridiculous urine pad company that produces a useless product and supports a group of people who actually look upon them with disdain. Good Luck to all.
What an amazing giveaway 🩷
This is pretty amazing, but TikTok is being a little bitch about not registering follows again (I had most of y’all on insta already tho, even the tiktok and facebook folks, cause I use a different email for FB, hope that’s good enough).
this would be life changing 😭
John Reeves
At 69 will be heading NOBO on the PCT for first time. Been gearing up with ultralight cottage gear companies. Winning this would be a dream come true, but cannot wait, for either way 2025 will see a dream come true. Hope to see y’all on the trail. I will no doubt be the one out of breath!
I’d love to become an ultralight solo hiker women 🧡
kev decarlo
Chris Loomis
I support cottage gear companies!
Chris Loomis
I support cottage gear companies!
All of this looks wonderful I would love to win some
Tas hiking adventures YouTube
Be good to get some gear like this in Aus and spread the word for the company not many people would know about this good gear so please pick me 🇦🇺💪🍻
William Maddaluno
GGG is the best!!!!
Cool Beans! 🤙🖖✌️
Max Blair
Backing 40 yrs would love a new tent!!n