About Us
We're an e-commerce store and online magazine that puts the spotlight on small and startup outdoor gear brands. We help early stage companies connect to a community of people who are passionate about supporting the little guys, and using the coolest, most innovative new gear out there. And we help customers find an alternative to mass-produced, big box outdoor gear, apparel and food.
The brands we work with got their start after someone thought, “wouldn’t it be cool if …” and began tinkering with the idea (often in a garage). We get to know these people and test their gear – and then share our top shelf finds with you. Everything sold through GGG has been vetted and hand-selected.
We're real people who care a whole heck of a lot about you, our customers. If you're unhappy, we're unhappy. If you have any questions or concerns (or just want to give us a high five), we'd love to hear from you. We can be reached at help@garagegrowngear.com or through the Live Chat on our website.
Several years ago Garage Grown Gear founder Amy Hatch got deeply involved in the sport of packrafting. Amy was in awe of these lightweight, inflatable boats, and they quickly started to shift her perspective on water travel. Amy started looking at maps in a new way, seeing rivers as travel corridors, rather than obstacles. More importantly however, she started looking at her outdoor gear in a different light.
Here were these crazy cool, innovative boats that were basically created out of a garage. Logically, Amy started to ask herself "what other sweet outdoor gear exists that I just don't know about?" And so Amy's journey began! She obsessively pored over blogs, combed through forums, and stopped random passersby to ask about their gear.
Before long Amy found herself on a mission: to become the expert on outdoor gear startups ... and share her beta with you!
We've grown from Amy's kitchen counter to a kick @$$ team working out of Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, and Colorado.
Welcome to Garage Grown Gear!
Meet the Team
Lloyd Vogel -Likes Gear. Lots of it.Lloyd was born and raised in the booming metropolis of Milwaukee, Wisconsin! He discovered his love of kayaking along the shores of Lake Michigan, and spends his ever diminishing free time kayaking, backpacking, playing ultimate frisbee, and eating disproportionally large meals.
Lloyd got his start in business through Big Outdoors, which merged with Garage Grown Gear in March 2017. Prior to that he was a special education teacher. While the world of startups and education are plenty different, a background in herding kittens has helped him in both professional pursuits. He's the guy on our chat feature, the 1 midwesterner, and our token redhead.
Favorite piece of trail gear? “The Hiker fanny pack by Thru. Hands down. Nothing keeps you more organized and more fashionable. You won’t catch me on trail without it!”
Amy Hatch – Geeks out on content marketing
Amy got her start in business when she launched Jackson Hole Packraft. Through it she learned how to start, run and ultimately sell a business. She also gained the confidence to launch a larger venture ... er, umm ... adventure.
Amy's background is in journalism. She ran a community newspaper at age 23 and worked as a producer at Alaska's leading broadcast news station.
When not tapping away at the key board, Amy can be found playing with her daughter, drinking coffee and training for adventure races. She loves trail running, mountain biking and skate skiing ... but above all backcountry skiing. And, that, is why she calls the Tetons home.
Garage Grown Gear Store Favorite: Purple Rain Skirt. "Wear it backpacking and packrafting, or to music festivals and networking events. Best pockets ever. And love the yoga-style waistband"